5. First Boot
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5. First Boot

Insert the SD card in the router and turn it on. Your router should now have internet connectivity.


Add your SSH public key to the router.
ssh openwrt "tee -a /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys" < ~/.ssh/id_ed25519_openwrt.pub Warning: Permanently added 'openwrt' (ED25519) to the list of known hosts. ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE3AAAAINNOW3ZTKXDrzFjktCvLdgWh1XMMx0FU/ue2byYEkLPR root@openwrt ssh openwrt
Harden security by setting a root password and disabling password authentication.
passwd Changing password for root New password: Bad password: too short Retype password: passwd: password for root changed by root uci set dropbear.@dropbear[0].PasswordAuth='0' uci set dropbear.@dropbear[0].RootPasswordAuth='0' uci commit dropbear service dropbear restart


Open LuCi by navigating to and login with your newly set password.
Under Network > Wireless make sure to configure both access points with the appropriate operating channel, transmit power and country code.


SQM is disabled by default. Measure your wireless bandwidth and latency using Waveform or Speedtest. Open LuCi, and under Network > SQM QoS, set the download and upload speeds to 90% of your measurements and enable the SQM instance. Click Save & Apply to restart SQM.
Now test your router bufferbloat using Waveform. If you’re not getting an A+ grade, try lowering the download and upload values progressively until you get rid of bufferbloat.

Ad blocking

Ad blocking is enabled by default, but with no configured blocklist sources. Open LuCi and navigate to Services > Adblock. Under Settings click the Blocklist Sources tab and pick the sources that better fit your needs. Click Save & Apply and after a couple of seconds the blocklist sources should be downloaded and Blocked Domains should update.

Almost done

If you’re satisfied with your OpenWrt configuration, make sure to download a backup. Open LuCi and navigate to System > Backup / Flash Firmware. Under Backup click Generate archive.
Don’t forget to destroy your Ubuntu instance. Move on to the 6. Flash eMMC section.
